How to do a Dumbbell Calf Raise?

This workout can be done both ways like seating and standing too. That’s why it’s called standing dumbbell calf raise and seated dumbbell calf raise.

Today, I want to inform you all about the standing position in this article.

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast looking to enhance your leg day routine or a beginner seeking an accessible exercise for overall calf health, the Dumbbell Calf Raise proves to be a valuable addition to any workout routine.

Remember to prioritize safety, stay consistent, and enjoy the positive impact this exercise can have on your lower body strength and aesthetics.

Let’s dive into it and learn What is a dumbbell calf raise and how to do a standing dumbbell calf raise?

What is a Dumbbell Calf Raise?

The calf exercises are often ignored when it comes to weight training. The Dumbbell Calf Raise exercise works the calf muscles.

The calf muscles are located in the back side of your lower legs. Strengthening calf muscles with the calf raise exercise will help protect your Achilles tendon and calf from injury.

Dumbbell calf raises can be easily performed with just a pair of dumbbells at the gym or at home.

Dumbbell calf raise exercise not only improves your calf muscle and aesthetics but also strengthens your lower body.

Dumbbell Calf Raise Benefits

  • Muscle Engagement: Dumbbell calf raises isolate and strengthen the calf muscles, focusing on the gastrocnemius.
  • Improve Stability: Regular execution enhances ankle joint stability, reducing the risk of sprains and injuries.
  • Versatility: Dumbbells allow for a variety of foot positions, enabling targeted stress on different parts of the calf for a well-rounded workout.
  • Functional Strength: Builds functional strength in the calves, supporting daily activities like walking, running, and jumping.
  • Time Efficiency: Incorporating this exercise into a routine efficiently works the calves, making it a time-effective addition to your daily workouts.

Key Highlights

Primary Muscles Calves
PreparationStand with feet hip-width apart, dumbbells
ObjectiveStrengthen and tone calf muscles
Effort TypePush
Difficulty LevelLow
Fitness LevelBeginner to Intermediate
PlaceGym or Home  

How to do a Dumbbell Calf Raise?

Step 1: Hold a dumbbell in both hands and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Let your arms hang straight and align with your shoulders.

Step 2: Now breathe in and rise up onto your toes. At the same time, keep your back and knees straight. Tense your calf muscles.

Step 3: Now breathe out and slowly return to the starting position. 

Step 4: Repeat. (If you have trouble balancing use a chair or pole for added stability)

By following these steps you can easily do a standing dumbbell calf raise.

Dumbbell Calf Raise gif

Tips to avoid common mistakes in dumbbell calf raise

  • Hold the dumbbells in each hand, maintaining the body posture and weight needs to be distributed evenly on both hands. 
  • Make sure both legs are parallel to each other pointing the toes front side.
  • While lifting your heels make sure to extend it fully as much as you can for better results.
  • Inhale slowly while lifting your heels and exhale as you lower down your heel. Breathing plays a vital role. 
  • While doing this exercise, if you feel any discomfort in your calf, stop the exercise and relax your calf muscles to avoid injuries. 

Dumbbell Calf Raise Reps & Sets:

Repetitions and Sets depend on the objective of your workout such as Strength, Mass, or Endurance. So decide your workout objective and follow the Reps and Sets accordingly.

Mass Building:

  • Repetitions: 8-12 repetitions per set (Medium to heavyweight)
  • Sets: 3-4 sets
  • Rest Between Sets: 60-90 seconds


  • Repetitions: 4-8 repetitions per set with heavy weight
  • Sets: 4-5 sets
  • Rest Between Sets: 2-3 minutes


  • Repetitions: 15-20 repetitions per set low weight
  • Sets: 2-3 sets
  • Rest Between Sets: 30-60 seconds


Are calf raises with dumbbells good?

Yes, calf raises with dumbbells can be effective for targeting and strengthening the calf muscles.

Is there any benefit to calf raises?

Calf raises offer several benefits, including improved calf muscle strength and definition, enhanced ankle stability, better balance, and increased functionality for activities such as running and jumping.

How to do calves with dumbbells?

1. Stand upright with a dumbbell in each hand, arms by your sides.

2. Place the balls of your feet on an elevated surface (like a step) with your heels hanging off.

3. Rise onto your toes by pushing through the balls of your feet.

4. Hold the raised position briefly and then lower your heels below the level of the step.

5. Repeat.

Is it OK to do calf raises every day?

It’s generally advisable to allow at least one day of rest between calf workouts to prevent strain and promote optimal recovery.

How to get bigger calves?

To build larger calf muscles, focus on progressive overload by gradually increasing the weight, reps, or sets in your calf exercises.

Do strong calves make you faster?

Yes, strong calves can contribute to improved speed and agility. The calf muscles play a crucial role in propulsion and push-off during activities like running and sprinting. 


Dumbbell Calf Raise is a highly effective exercise for promoting improved calf definition, strength, and overall lower body stability.

As highlighted in the blog, proper form is crucial to maximize the benefits of the dumbbell calf raise and minimize the risk of injury.

By maintaining a controlled, deliberate motion and posture, you can optimize muscle engagement and enhance your workout experience.

If you have any queries then feel free to ask any questions regarding the exercise in the comment section. You can check other workouts in this dumbbells only workout blog.

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